Saturday, November 5, 2022

EDITOR'S NOTES: Coronavirus a gut punch to community

Before I get into things, I need to eat a little crow here. Last week I went home a little early from work with a sore throat and what I thought was the beginnings of a typical cold. I mean we are in the middle of cold and flu season here in Robeson County. Through the weekend, the sore throat persisted, then came a crippling cough that began feeling like I’d gone a few rounds with my father’s favorite boxer, Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier. Growing up, I loved spending time with my dad on the living room couch watching boxing, football and anything that came on after Jim McKay’s famous announcement, “Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports… the thrill of victory… and the agony o defeat.” That poor skier wiping out during a jump attempt in 1970 became one of the sporting world’s most famous athletes — although most didn’t even know his name. My father did. Vinko Bogataj was attempting a jump on the Heini Klopfer Hill in Oberstdorf, “West” Germany when he lost his balance and spun out of control to become one of the sporting world’ most notable images. Legend has it that Bogataj had no idea that his crash had cast him into the world spotlight until he was invited to a Wild World of Sports anniversary even 20 years later. According to one news report, “He received the loudest ovation of any athlete introduced at the gala, and attendees such as Muhammad Ali asked him for his autograph.” I never saw Muhammad Ali fight, but I did get the opportunity to watch Smokin’ Joe throw a few exhibition punches once at a fundraiser a few years back. Even then, those punches looked like they hurt, and I am sure whoever that poor sap was who was letting Frazier throw punches at him felt a little like I did after a couple of days of coughing. “Well, you have COVID-19,” my doctor said. I kinda figured that. But now, several days later on a course of prescription drugs and a few days of bed rest, I feel like going back to work. Of course I won’t until I get the all clear. Which brings me back to the “eating crow” statement. You see, I got all my vaccinations and boosters. I wore masks, washed my hands, gargled with bleach. The whole gamut of CDC recommendations. On top of that, I spent a significant amount of ink on The Robesonian Opinion Page during the past year scolding people in the Thumbs Down column that I compile each week. I’ll stand by my statement that we as a community can do more to beat back this coronavirus, as well as the host of other viruses besieging us. But I do have some empathy now for those who have silently suffered — many have suffered far, far worse than me during this pandemic. According to Bill Smith with the Robeson County Health Department, here in Robeson County we’ve seen 544 positive cases during the past three weeks, bringing the total of positive cases since March 2020 to 51,907. Of those cases, 578 were fatal. And, during the previous few weeks, we saw another death blamed on COVID-19. I am extremely grateful for the health care officials here in Robeson County who have helped me and my family through this uncertain time. I cannot even imagine the agony felt by those who have lost friends and family members to this coronavirus. I’ll make another plea to those who have not taken this seriously. Please do what you can to stop the spread of this still, very real threat. Vaccinations do work. If you feel ill, wear a mask, take a step back from a crowd, clean and disinfect yourself and your immediate environment. We are getting through this and we will get back to normal at some point. David Kennard is executive editor of The Robesonian. Contact him at

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