Saturday, June 5, 2010

Our Opinion: We’ve seen progress in community development

The Richland Community Development Group deserves praise for its ability to quickly mobilize a small army of energized people in a positive direction.

While there is lots of heavy lifting that needs to take place in the coming months, it appears those associated with this newly formed grassroots association have the energy to carry the goals that will help Mansfield and Richland County pick itself up economically.

The spirit felt Thursday night during the first sector report is evidence that Mansfield has the talent and ability required to solve the seemingly daunting problems highlighted by the demise of the local GM plant.

This make-up call came too late.

We applaud the entrepreneurial efforts of local leaders, but this effort should have begun years ago. Instead of trying to revive our lagging local economy, we should have positioned ourselves to leverage the assets that we now recognize are our best hope for the future.

Now as we move forward it is our hope that business leaders see the value of working together to lift ourselves out of the rut we have made.

Thursday’s report from the community to the community was an eye-opener for many who may not have been aware of the real talent we have locally.

From agriculture to social services, there are experts in our community that are making real change.

The manufacturing sectors are retraining and refitting themselves to seek new opportunities.

The beautification sector also wasted no time in getting things rolling this spring with 40 new planters downtown.

The transportation sector is busy trying to determine which thoroughfares should be made more bicycle-friendly and how neighborhoods can be better connected.

We encourage those involved in the various sectors of the new development group to continue to work to accomplish the visions they have laid out.

With a busy summer season in front of us, now is the time to follow through with the instant actions that can be achieved while the sun is shining.

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